Presenting at SharePoint Saturday NL 2015 Event

On June 6th I have the pleasure of presenting at the annual SharePoint Saturday event in the Netherlands. This will be my very first time presenting at an event, so I am very much looking forward to it! Below you will find the outline of the session I’ll be presenting. Hope to see you there!

Introduction to developing remote event receivers (level 200 developer)

SharePoint 2013 introduced the concept of remote event receivers. These remote event receivers enable you to build apps that can tap into common SharePoint events and perform additional actions when they occur. But how do you build an app that utilizes remote event receivers and how can deploy your app to Azure?

This session will provide in depth knowledge on how to get started when developing remote event receivers. Aimed specifically at developers, we kick off with a brief introduction on the concept of remote event receivers. Using real-world examples, we’ll demonstrate the different possibilities for creating remote event receivers and explain the different kind of permissions your App needs in order to use remote event receivers. In the end you will learn how to deploy a remote event receiver to Azure.

When this session is over you’ll know all you need to know in order to get started building your own apps using the cool new capabilities that remote event receivers offer you!